Lions Foundation NS

Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia Information / Life Member & Fellowship Award List / By-Laws Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia

Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia

Is a Federally incorporated charitable foundation created May 8th, 1982 by more than 70 Lions Clubs within Nova Scotia


The To build a permanent trust fund to generate an investment income, which will be utilized to assist in the funding of “Humanitarian Service Projects” (HSPs) within the Province of Nova Scotia as approved by the Cabinet.

Criteria for HSPs


  • Satisfy an unmet requirement
  • Address a province-wide benefit or requirement
  • Be high profile and recognized throughout Nova Scotia as a specific activity of the Lions.
  • Attract non-Lion donations, both individual and corporate.
  • Generate on going media coverage.
  • Create a positive Lions Image.


The foundation is administered by an elected Board of Directors comprised of 14 Lions who represent each of the Zones within the District. Each director serves a two year term. The chairman and the Vice Chairman are elected from the Directors, by the Directors for a one year term.

The Secretary and Treasurer are appointed by the District Governor.

The Board of the foundation meets at least twice yearly at the Fall Cabinet Meeting and at the Nova Scotia Convention, but can meet more frequently if deemed necessary.

Recognition Policy

Contributions by Individuals and Lions Clubs for an Individual

  • Honorary Sustaining Member, contribution of $10.00 or more.
    • Certificate
  • Honorary Life Member, contribution of $100.00 or more.
    • Certificate
    • Lapel Pin
  • Honorary Progressive Life Member, contribution of $100.00 or more.
    • Certificate
    • Lapel Pin
  • Honorary Lions Fellowship, contribution of $250.00 or more.
    • Wooden Plaque
    • Lapel Pin

Club Banner Patches

Contribution of first $100.00 donation will be awarded a Silver banner patch.

Contribution of first $1000.00 donation will be awarded a Gold banner patch.

What better way than above for clubs to support their own foundation and at the same time be recognized or acknowledge the contributions of their members to the service of Lionism by making a contribution to your foundation and our foundation.

Memorial Donations

Donations in memory of any deceased individual may be made by and person or group. The foundation will then issue an acknowledgement of the donation to the famil and by whom it was made.

Another form of donation can be made by any person, whereby the individual takes out a personal life insurance policy with the Foundation named as beneficiary. In this instance, the premiums qualify as a tax deduction during the individual’s life and upon his/her demise, the benefits are assumed by the Foundation.

Note: As a registered charitable foundation, the Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia can issue income tax receipts for both individual and corporate donations and/or memorial gifts.

Donations and/or memorial gifts made by any Lions Club do not quality for income tax deductions.

To make a donation or memorial gift, forward your cheque to:

PCST Lion Ken MacKenzie
999 Elizabeth Dr.
Kentville, NS

Phone: (902) 679-3522

E-Mail: themackenzies@ns,

Please make your cheque payable to:

Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia


The Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia wish to acknowledge those Lions who have been awarded Honorary Life Memberships and Fellowships in the Foundation. Clubs are able to support their own Foundation and at the same time recognize and acknowledge the contributions of their members to the service of Lionism. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIPS – $ 100.00 donation, HONORARY PROGRESSIVE LIFE MEMBERSHIPS – $ 100.00 donation, HONORARY FELLOWSHIP AWARD – $ 250.00 donation.To view or download the names of those that have received Life Membership or Fellowship Awards please click the following link:




To view or download a copy of the By-Laws of the Lions Foundation of Nova SCotia please click on the following link: